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Samaritans Save Turtle Crossing Busy Road in Upper Saucon

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An unidentified passing motorist was kind enough to stop and pick up a snapping turtle in danger of being run over on Center Valley Parkway in Upper Saucon Township Wednesday.

It was a close call for a slow-moving snapping turtle on busy Center Valley Parkway in Upper Saucon Township Wednesday morning.

The turtle appeared to be in no great rush to cross the busy divided highway near the Promenade Shops at Saucon Valley.

According to Saucon Source reader Lara Reichard Goodman, who shared these photos on Facebook, the creature was in danger of being run over by morning traffic until a passing motorist stopped, picked it up and moved it to safety.

“All we could do was try and direct traffic away from it until this brave guy pulled over, picked it up by the tail and carried it to safety–so awesome!” she said.

The turtle rescuer’s identity remains unknown.

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