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Brickhouse Strength Female Speed & Agility Panorama

Est. Read Time: 3 mins

A nice turnout for the first ever of its kind Speed and Agility Camp for female athletes.

Brickhouse Strength founder and owner Chris Fluck recognized a need in the great, wide world of athletics and he acted on it.  According to Fluck, “Young female athletes do not get the same training opportunities as their male counterparts”.  Even though, according to Fluck, “Female athletes are four to six more times more likely to injure their knee when compared to their male counterparts.”

With this as his motivation, Fluck organized a camp and curriculum that would give young females an opportunity to learn how to move their bodies in a safe and efficient manner.  Fluck believes that most​ lower body injuries can be prevented. He claims, “We cannot eliminate them completely but we can try like heck to reduce the rate of injury.”

Camp coordinator Chris Fluck making the introductions and providing an overview of the camp.

With 39 campers and a handful of helpers that include Saucon Valley’s girls’ soccer coach Stevie Ochse, Day 1 of the four day camp got underway with a variety of speed and agility exercises.  Fluck’s camp will conclude with its final 2-hour session on Thursday.

Check out some scenes from the camp!

Brickhouse Strength helper, Brooke Riefenstahl, leading a warm-up drill.

The camp started with an emphasis on form running.

Fluck instructing the importance of upper body mechanics when running.

Stressing proper technique, Fluck demonstrates an efficient start.

Coach Fluck often says “We need to do that one more time.”

Coach Ochse along with junior Kiele Riefenstahl demonstrating a quick-reaction drill using a dropped tennis ball.

Are you quick enough to catch the tennis ball before it hits the ground?

The girls take advantage of a much-needed water break.

A quicker than quick reaction!

Four friends using solid technique and racing for bragging rights.

Fluck had the girls focusing on the precision and efficiency of their movements.

Coach Fluck points the way to a healthy future.

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