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Local Police Will Have Increased New Year’s Eve Patrols

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Along with the start of a new year often comes the temptation to imbibe alcohol; more alcohol than is typically served during a midnight champagne toast.

The holiday is well-known as a peak time for drunken driving arrests, and for that reason local police say they will have increased patrols as 2015 transitions to 2016.

The Lower Saucon Township Police Department posted on their Facebook page Thursday that they will be working in conjunction with the Hellertown and Freemansburg police departments to help maintain safety on the roads.

“Police urge everyone to not drink and drive,” LSTPD said. “Call for a ride and have a Happy New Year!”

In addition to designated drivers and traditional taxi services, new mobile applications like Uber are available to help local residents find rides on-demand from area vehicle owners.

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