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St. Luke’s Medical Mission Trip Gives New Doctors Practical Experience

Africa Mission Trip St Luke

St. Luke's surgical resident Martin Lo Sasso, MD, is going with general surgeon Richard Sharpe, MD, on a medical mission trip to Cameroon in Africa in November. Abby Gotsch, MD, chief surgical resident at SLUHN, made the trip as a medical student in 2017. (Contributed photo)

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St. Luke’s surgical resident Martin Lo Sasso, MD, is going with general surgeon Richard Sharpe, MD, on a medical mission trip to Cameroon in Africa in November. Abby Gotsch, MD, chief surgical resident at SLUHN, made the trip as a medical student in 2017. (Contributed photo)

St. Luke’s surgeon and teacher Richard Sharpe, MD, has made a dozen meaningful and memorable “mission” trips to the Mbingo Baptist Hospital in the Central African nation of Cameroon. If he’s able, he’d like to make at least a dozen more there, where there’s always a need for doctors, physician education and medical equipment.

On Nov. 9, the 58-year-old general surgeon and founder of St. Luke’s International Medical Program (SLIMP) will leave the comforts of Pennsylvania for a three-week stay at the 500-bed regional hospital in northwest Cameroon. As an attending and teaching physician, he’ll be accompanied by St. Luke’s fourth-year surgical resident Martin Lo Sasso, MD, who will earn credit from the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) for this intense time of learning and treating patients there.

“I’m over the moon to be going on this trip,” said Dr. Lo Sasso. “I’m looking forward to putting my surgical skills to good use and hope the experience will help me develop a global perspective on the practice of medicine.”

Whether they’re repairing a patient’s hernia, performing trauma surgery on a motorcycle accident victim or removing a cancerous section of colon side-by-side in the OR, while guiding an African surgeon-in-training, Dr. Sharpe said their efforts will have a far-reaching impact.

“What I do there every day is multiplied many times over,” said Dr. Sharpe. “When you save someone’s life there, you save their family, and even village, too.”

Their days will be a blur of non-stop activity often lasting 12 to 15 hours. Making rounds to visit with hospitalized patients, teaching physicians and assessing clinic patients will take up most of the morning. They’ll be in the operating room throughout the rest of the day and may have on-call duties and emergencies to treat well into the night. Meals are eaten with the local doctors and nurses, along with other volunteer physicians from Europe, the United States and other developed countries. St. Luke’s surgeons often collaborate on cases with providers from the Mayo Clinic and Johns Hopkins.

“It’s not a vacation, but it’s very rewarding,” Dr. Sharpe said, adding, “In three weeks, I do as much work as I do in three months here.” He hopes to return to Cameroon several times in 2023.

A retired Navy surgeon who served on the Hospital Ship Comfort in 2010, treating victims of the earthquake in Haiti, Dr. Sharpe saw first-hand the devastating effects of poverty and the shortage of medical supplies and expertise, which inspired him to start the SLIMP program soon after joining St. Luke’s.

The non-profit SLIMP program received accreditation from the ACGME in 2014 for training general surgery residents and subsequent approval for OBGYN and family practice residents. Seasoned doctors and young trainees in these programs at St. Luke’s often make the trip to Cameroon along with Dr. Sharpe, who tries to go two to three times a year.

Abby Gotsch, MD, St. Luke’s chief surgical resident, made the trip as a fourth-year medical student in 2017 with a team of St. Luke’s physicians. She called her month there “eye-opening,” adding, “It was one of my favorite experiences in medical training.”

The doctors will take along three suitcases of stainless-steel surgery instruments to the struggling hospital–items that have passed their expiration dates in the U.S. but are in perfect, usable condition.

“We tend to waste so much in this country that can be used elsewhere in places of need,” Dr. Sharpe explained. “Taking along equipment in good condition adds years to its useful life.” In the past, St. Luke’s has donated an ambulance, endoscopy equipment and mechanical ventilators to the hospital, all of which are still functioning.

The trip’s expenses are covered by a mix of funds from St. Luke’s Department of Medical Education, churches and private donations. The total cost for each physician’s travel, room and board and miscellaneous expenses ranges from $2,500 to $2,700.

Each physician sacrifices time away from their patients and colleagues at St. Luke’s and family along with accepting the arduous travel, long workdays and occasional threat of violence that can arise if anti-government rebels are nearby.

Still, Dr. Sharpe and his colleagues from St. Luke’s—some 25 to 30 have gone to Mbingo, many several times—continue to take the risks, while earning the personal and professional satisfaction the trips bring. And many keep going back to care for the acutely and chronically ill and injured local patients who live to an average age of just 53.

“It’s immensely rewarding to take care of a population in need and invest time in training the next generation to care for them,” he said.

Certain he’ll make another trip to Cameroon, Dr. Sharpe leaves clothes and other personal items behind at the hospital’s lodging quarters.

And when he’s back in the States, after returning to his family in Bethlehem and his patient care and teaching duties at St. Luke’s, he’s soon planning and raising funds for the next mission that the St. Luke’s International Medical Program will make to the desperately poor country that needs so much.

Note: This local health news is brought to you in partnership with St. Luke’s University Health Network.

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