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Help Count Bats at Wildlands Conservancy

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The Wildlands Conservancy will host a bat count event on Friday, July 12 at 8:30 p.m. at its Dorothy Rider Pool Wildlife Sanctuary in Emmaus to help monitor the health of local bat populations.

Pennsylvania’s most common bat species often use ordinary buildings as their roosts, and the barn at the sanctuary is one of their favorite ‘hangouts.’

Monitoring locations like the barn gives biologists an idea of how local bat populations are doing, which is important to ensuring the long-term health of our winged mammal friends.​

Recent studies have shown that while little brown bat populations have dropped precipitously due to White Nose Syndrome, big brown bat populations have increased.​

Attendees at the Post-Volant Appalachian Bat Count (cost per person: $20) will learn why that is and much more, as well as get to make a free bat necklace. Visit the Wildlands Conservancy website to register and for more information.

This local news story was reported with generative AI assistance.

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