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No Tax Hike for Saucon Valley SD Property Owners in 2016

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After talk of a possible tax hike at recent meetings, Saucon Valley School Board members voted 6-2 not to increase taxes, as they approved a final version of the district’s $45 million-plus 2016-2017 budget at their meeting Tuesday night.

Board member Bryan Eichfeld made the motion to balance the budget with more than $1.5 million drawn from the district’s approximately $14 million fund balance (savings).

That motion was seconded by board member Mark Sivak.

Board members Sandra Miller and Ralph Puerta both spoke out against the fiscal strategy of using only savings to balance the budget.

Miller said the board was advised by its financial counsel to approve a small tax increase this year, after many years without a tax increase.

“We are not (financial) experts,” she said, adding that she supported a small tax increase, and would be voting against the budget for that reason.

Puerta also voted against the final budget document, which will keep the district’s property millage rate at 51.7 mills.

Board member Ed Inghrim was absent.

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