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Plea Deal Would Mean 1-2 Years in County Jail for Dewey Ex-Treasurer Who Stole Nearly $400K

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Dewey Fire Company ex- treasurer Agnes Patterson (Facebook profile photo)

The former treasurer of Dewey Fire Company No. 1 in Hellertown Friday pleaded guilty to charges related to the theft of nearly $400,000 she embezzled over 10 years and gambled with, but Northampton County Senior Judge Leonard Zito expressed reluctance to approve a plea agreement whereby 52-year-old Agnes Patterson, of Henry Street, Hellertown, would serve one to two years in Northampton County Prison in Easton followed by 10 years of probation, the Morning Call reported.

Patterson’s attorney Robert Eyer told the judge the sentencing agreement would allow his client to participate in work release and continue making restitution to the fire company, but Zito expressed skepticism about whether Patterson’s education and work background will translate into a job that will allow her to make meaningful restitution payments, the newspaper reported.

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