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Fountain Hill Officials Take to Front Lines to Deliver Supplies to Residents

Est. Read Time: 3 mins

From left, Leni Widiastuti, Kelsey Morrison, Fountain Hill Borough Council President Leo Atkinson and fellow council member Will Rufe prepare to deliver care packages to the residents of Clarence Aungst Towers on Seneca Street in Fountain Hill.

Recent visitors to Fountain Hill may have noticed officials from the borough doing their part to deliver essential supplies to residents; special deliveries inspired by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Borough Council President Leo Atkinson and fellow council member Will Rufe spent Monday afternoon delivering care packages to the Clarence Aungst Towers on Seneca Street, an eight-story building that is owned by the Lehigh County Housing Authority.

The care packages included essential personal protective equipment such as disposable gloves, masks and hand sanitizer, as well as some food and paper products. Atkinson had previously expressed concern over the residents’ ability to acquire these essential items while sheltering in place to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

A staff member at Clarence Aungst Towers, Steven Rojas, helped distribute the packages to the residents of its 75 units.

Atkinson and Rufe received support from local businesses while assembling the care packages. Eight Oaks Distillery out of New Tripoli graciously donated all of the hand sanitizer, and Fresh Market in Center Valley donated the bags used for the packages.

Fountain Hill resident Stew McCandless donated toilet paper for them.

Atkinson and Rufe took matters into their own hands by donating one month of their council salaries to pay for the masks included in the care packages. In total, 76 packages were delivered.

The care packages (pictured being assembled) included essential items that may be difficult to acquire such as masks, gloves, hand sanitizer, snacks and paper products. The packages were made possible through private and business donations. Eight Oaks Distillery of New Tripoli and the Fresh Market in Center Valley were among the businesses that donated supplies.


The councilmen have also been spending their time helping with the YMCA’s youth meal distribution program. The program, which is underwritten by the state Department of Education, offers bagged meals for anyone aged 18 and under.

The program operates from 5 to 6 p.m. on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and additional meals are provided for the days the program is not operating. One of the distribution sites is Fountain Hill Park on Stanley Avenue. Currently, about 15 meals are being distributed daily at the Fountain Hill site, but Atkinson said they can accommodate for greater demand.

“We know the need is out there, so we just want to get the word out,” Atkinson said.

Visit the Greater Valley YMCA website to view the full list of distribution sites.

The borough continues to collect canned goods at Borough Hall, which is located at 941 Long Street.

Fountain Hill Borough is also providing forms on its website for people who are either in need of, or are willing to offer assistance.

Those in need may fill out this form to request food, medicine, supplies or other assistance.

Those who wish to help may fill out this form to offer their time and assistance, or to donate food, medicine or supplies.

“The real thing we want to do is get the word out, so that people who need help can have somewhere to go,” Atkinson said.

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