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Little Panthers Get New Shock Technology Helmets

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IESI Bethlehem Landfill recently announced a partnership with the Saucon Valley Youth Sports Association, which enabled SVYSA to outfit all members of the Little Panthers youth football team with state-of-the-art head shock technology helmets.

According to an Aug. 26 news release from the landfill, its $3,000 donation was enough to provide Xenith X2E Youth Football helmets for a quarter of the teammates. The remaining helmets have been purchased through SVYSA fundraising efforts.

Two Saucon Valley Youth Football players model their new helmets.

“”Saucon Valley Youth Sports Association would like to thank IESI for their generous donation towards the purchase of new football helmets,” said Erik Schneider, President of the Saucon Valley Youth Sports Association.

“We are always striving to exceed the safety level for our players,” he added. “This can be a tall order with the ever-increasing cost of equipment. After reviewing many helmet brands, we felt that the new Xenith youth model would aid in the prevention of head injuries. Once again, thanks to IESI for their dedication to helping our community.””

Marcy Neumire, Manager of Community Relations for the Lower Saucon Township landfill, said ““this is a great way to invest in our community. “We so appreciate the work of the Youth Sports Association, and we are proud to partner with them on this effort to keep kids safe.””

In 2014, the 130 lb. Little Panthers team finished the year 11-0 in defending their Community Youth Football League championship title. The team has a two-year record of 21-1.

All four Little Panthers teams participated in the 2014 playoff hunt, the news release indicated.

Inside and out Saucon Valley Youth Football has upgraded their helmets to a more shock-resistant brand.

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