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Letter to the Editor: Maxfield, Yerger Will Best Serve Township

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Note: To submit a letter to the editor, please email it to with “Letter” in the subject line. Letters should be about local issues of general concern.

Through the leadership of Tom Maxfield and Sandra Yerger, Lower Saucon Township residents have enjoyed low property taxes, smart responsible growth of development and the preservation of open space. We need these good, proven managers to be re-elected as they have the best interests in mind for all the residents of the township. Be aware that there is a team of three candidates running for election to council, who represent a small reactionary group of residents. We don’t need the headaches (higher taxes, angry outbursts and mud slinging) that these three will surely bring if elected. By voting for Maxfield and Yerger, we can continue to afford and enjoy living in our beautiful rural township.

Karen Samuels

Lower Saucon Township

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