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The Good Life with Chris: Meet Amy Musser, Spiritual Adviser and Guide

Est. Read Time: 4 mins

One song I always enjoy hearing when it comes on the radio is “She Talks to Angels” by The Black Crowes. To be honest with you, I am actually listening to it right now as I write this. You may be wondering why in the world I am telling you all this… Well, because in the small town of Hellertown, there is a woman who communicates with angels to not only guide decisions in her life, but also for those who seek her out looking for guidance.

Amy Musser

This article is not going to be about the validity of someone communicating with angels. If you want to speak negatively on the subject, you can take your attention elsewhere. Isn’t there an election coming up? What this article will be about is taking the appropriate steps to improve one’s life in both mind and body. Amy Campbell Musser is a spiritual adviser and life coach who uses her unique skillset to improve the quality of life for everyone she comes in contact with. I had the opportunity to sit down with her for a few hours last week and let me tell you, my mind was racing when I left. A wide variety of topics were discussed and a few of them really stood out. They are as follows:

  1. Follow your gut instincts, or as Amy described them, your inner GPS. Intuition is our most complex cognitive process and at the same time the simplest. Trust your instincts and follow that inner GPS.
  2. Practice gratitude. The best way to do this is to keep a gratitude journal. Every day, write down one thing about your life that you are most grateful for. This has to do with the power of positive thinking. Get yourself out of the habit of thinking about potentially negative things and in the habit of being grateful for what you do have. And remember, someone out there always has it worse than you. Be grateful for what you have!
  3. Set your intentions or goals and create affirmations to get you there. Affirmations are a way of giving yourself a little pep talk; thoughts that begin with phrases like “I believe in my ability to achieve _______.” You can fill in that blank with anything you want. The key is to speak what you want to achieve, visualize what you want to achieve, and then go out and achieve it.
  4. Meditation. This isn’t the type of meditation where you sit in a crazy yoga pose and chant for hours on end. This is about getting immersed in an activity. For some, this could be coloring or painting. For others, it could be gardening. As long as you can get into a state of flow, where you are so involved in an activity that nothing else seems to matter, then to me, that is meditation. Or you can sit in lotus pose and work on deep breathing. The choice is yours!
  5. The most important lesson that I learned from speaking with Amy was something known as the Law of Attraction. To put it simply, “like attracts like.” Negativity attracts negativity. Positivity attracts positivity. Complainers attract complainers. Love attracts love. Whatever you send out to others, you will get back in return.

Amy offers a variety of services. Two Saturdays of every month, she makes an appearance at Kindred Spirits Books & Gifts in Hellertown. She will be there May 7, May 24, June 4 and June 18. Her hours are from 12 to 4 p.m. If you want to schedule something for a different time, call the store and try to set up an appointment that works for you! She also runs Spiritual Classes, Angel Blessing Parties with four to 10 people, Skype and phone readings, and a game she calls The Wish Game. The game is designed for an individual reading or a group of four. Here is how it works: You pick a wish and the reading will tell you what is holding you back from achieving this wish. The game will also give you a few affirmations that will help you achieve your wish and let you know how close you are to achieving it. According to Amy, “this game will not fail you if you follow the rules.” Sounds like a win to me!

If you have any other questions regarding what Amy Campbell-Musser does, you can find more information on her website.

Chris Fluck is a 2004 graduate of Saucon Valley High School and former high school football and wrestling coach. Currently, Chris is the owner of C. Fluck Training. He is a Strength & Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) and member of the National Strength & Conditioning Association (NSCA).

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