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Memories of Hellertown: It ‘Was the Best Place in the World to Grow Up In’

Est. Read Time: 7 mins

A trolley travels south on Main Street in Hellertown circa early 1950s, near the end of the local streetcar era. Mom’s Diner can be seen at right. Today a two-story apartment building is located there, in the 1300 block of Main Street.

A Facebook post asking local residents to share their memories of some of the fun things they used to do/places they frequented in Hellertown elicited reminiscences of everything from ice skating on the grist mill pond to building forts out of appliance store cardboard boxes to sledding down closed roads and much more.

The post on Saucon Source publisher Josh Popichak’s Facebook page generated more than 500 comments from current and former residents who waxed nostalgic about what the borough and surrounding Saucon Valley were like in days gone by.

“I have so many memories from Hellertown,” commented Bonnie Kichline. “That was the best place in the world to grow up in. I miss it so much.”

Here are some of the memories that have been shared (so far). Feel free to share your own in a comment on this story.


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