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E-Textbooks vs. Physical Textbooks: How Should SV Students Learn? (POLL)

Est. Read Time: 2 mins

The subject of whether or not students in an AP psychology class at Saucon Valley High School next year should each receive a physical textbook as opposed to an electronic version of the book (aka an “e-textbook) drew sharp criticism from a parent and divided the Saucon Valley School Board at its meeting Tuesday.

Parent Jennifer Altemose said both high school principal Beth Guarriello and the teacher of the class recommended that students be given physical textbooks, and told the board “overwhelming” research suggests that students learn better when they have an actual book to use.

Studies have shown that receiving information via scrolling has a negative effect on comprehension, Altemose said, and a DeSales professor who lives locally and attends board meetings also made that point, she asserted.

Nevertheless, the board voted 6-3 against purchasing physical textbooks for the class of 60, which will result in savings of at least several thousand dollars. There will be copies of the hardcover textbook for students to use while in class, but they will not have them to take home with them.

Board president Mike Karabin said that if he can read and learn effectively by using an Android device, students can learn effectively using e-books.

“I think it will come out rather well,” he said of the decision to use e-books.

And board member Bryan Eichfeld noted the weight of the textbook as a possible disadvantage, proclaiming that when it fell on his foot, it hurt.

Altemose strongly disagreed, and told the board she will be purchasing a copy of the hardcover textbook at her own expense so her daughter has it.

She also warned them to expect students to score lower on the AP exam for the class than their peers at several other local districts that offer it, because of the use of the e-textbook.

The three board members who voted against the e-textbooks were Tracy Magnotta, Mark Sivak and Sandra Miller. Along with Karabin and Eichfeld, those voting in favor of it were Cedric Dettmar, Shamim Pakzad, Linda Leewright and Susan Baxter.

TELL US: What do you think of the use of e-textbooks vs. physical textbooks in classes at Saucon Valley? Let us know by voting in the poll below and posting a comment.

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