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Saucon Valley Naturalist: Dozens of Bird Species Can Be Heard Along Trail

Est. Read Time: 2 mins

I took a short walk Saturday on the Saucon Rail Trail. It was a beautiful morning and a great way to start a weekend!

There are some trees already starting to flower; from the inconspicuous red maple flowers, to the showy flowers of the cherries and magnolias. The big focus of the morning was to listen for birds, and even during my short stroll I was able to hear around 27 common species. Here is the list.

If anyone would like to try and meet up one day to learn to identify these birds, please let Josh and me know, and we can see about setting up a time and place to meet.

A red-bellied woodpecker is one of many species of bird that can be heard along the Saucon Rail Trail.

  1. Chipping Sparrow

  2. Cardinal

  3. Canada Goose

  4. Red-bellied Woodpecker

  5. Blue Jay

  6. American Robin

  7. Cedar Waxwing

  8. Brown-headed Cowbird

    An eastern bluebird

  9. Starling

  10. Eastern Bluebird

  11. Mockingbird

  12. White-breasted Nuthatch

  13. Tufted Titmouse

  14. White-throated Sparrow

  15. Red-winged Blackbird

  16. Song Sparrow

    A great blue heron

  17. Yellow-rumped Warbler

  18. Common Yellowthroat

  19. Great Blue Heron

  20. Mourning Dove

  21. House Finch

  22. House Sparrow

  23. American Crow

  24. Goldfinch

  25. Downy Woodpecker

  26. Black-capped Chickadee

  27. Grackle

    Robert Andreucci is a local science teacher and arborist. Follow him on Twitter: @ScienceMrA.

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