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State Rep: L. Saucon Residents Should Vote for deLeon, Ray, Opthof-Cordaro (Letter)

Est. Read Time: 2 mins

On Nov. 7, the voters of Lower Saucon have the opportunity to send a message and improve the direction of the township by voting for the Saucon Valley Together slate of candidates for Lower Saucon Council, Priscilla deLeon, Victoria Opthof-Cordaro and Laura Ray. As someone who has represented portions of Lower Saucon in the legislature for many years, I wholeheartedly endorse these candidates.

They are committed to restoring working relationships with community partners, restoring full library services with Hellertown Area Library, and re-establishing services at the Saucon Valley Compost Center and Hellertown Pool. They will preserve Lower Saucon’s quality of life by protecting open space and natural resources and oppose the current landfill expansion plan. They will take a more thoughtful approach to zoning and planning issues based on sound planning practices designed to preserve the wonderful community features of the Saucon Valley.

Most importantly, they will restore civility and respect to township meetings and always strive to represent the best interests of the residents of Lower Saucon and the community that is the Saucon Valley. Under their leadership, respect, cooperation, collaboration and transparency will be the guiding principles of their service on Lower Saucon Township Council.

Robert Freeman

State Representative, 136th District

Note: Robert Freeman (D) represents the 136th legislative district in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives. In addition to parts of Lower Saucon Township, the district includes parts of Palmer Township and all of Williams Township, West Easton borough, Wilson borough, Hellertown borough, Glendon borough, Freemansburg borough and the city of Easton.

About Letters to the Editor

Letters to the editor about local topics of general interest may be emailed to for consideration. Letters must be signed and a phone number included for authentication purposes. The views expressed in letters are those of the author(s) and should not be interpreted as representing the views of this publication. Note: The deadline to submit a letter related to the Nov. 7 general election is 12 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 31, 2023. If accepted for publication, letters related to the election will be published by 12 p.m. Friday, Nov. 3, 2023.

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