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Among Saucon Source Comments Racism, Hate Have No Home

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A man holds a sign at a protest in Easton Sunday following the death of George Floyd, an action that has brought the topic of racism to the forefront of American society and triggered a wave of protests across the country and around the world.

Over the past week the United States has been convulsed by anger over the unjust killing of an unarmed African-American man by a white Minneapolis police officer. George Floyd begged for his life as the officer knelt on his neck for five minutes before he lost consciousness, telling him “I can’t breathe.” Some of the last words he spoke have since become a rallying cry for protesters nationally and across the world; people who want to bring an end to the racial hatred that has divided us from each other once and for all.

Hellertown may seem far removed from what is happening in Minneapolis, Washington, D.C., or even Bethlehem, but it’s not. Our community has known and continues to know racism. This has also been documented by national news media within the last few years.

At Saucon Source we believe that history should be something from which one learns.

We also believe that the power to change history is in our hands, and that by working together, we can create a better future for our children.

That is why we are taking a hard line on the issue of racism in our online community by announcing an updated policy with regard to commenting on our Facebook page.

To be clear, comments that are racist or promote intolerance of any kind have never been tolerated on any Saucon Source platform. This is explained in our comments policy.

Under our updated policy, however, enforcement will be more systematic, with zero tolerance for comments that are deemed racist, homophobic or otherwise bigoted.

Any comment attacking others will be subject to immediate removal and the commenter responsible for it subject to being permanently banned from our Facebook page.

At this moment in our history, this is not the time to be silent about racism. For some people, it is clear that our collective silence can have fatal consequences. We have decided to work harder so others aren’t subjected to the hatred that can kill.

We hope you will stand with us as we work to make our community one in which everyone feels welcome.

Josh Popichak, Publisher/Owner, Saucon Source LLC

Note: This policy is subject to change, without notice, according to the needs of the business as determined solely by the ownership of Saucon Source LLC.

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