
Time to Vote!: SVMS Once Again Participating In “What’s So Cool About Manufacturing?” Competition

As a part of Saucon Valley’s Middle School iTeam, I was excited to get a chance to participate in the “What’s So Cool About Manufacturing?” video contest. The manufacturing contest is one in which area schools are assigned a local manufacturing company. We were excited to be assigned Ocean Spray this year. We created a video to best represent this amazing company and to show everyone the interesting side of manufacturing. It was an incredible experience to get a behind the scenes look at the manufacturing process and the fundamental components of a business.

Est. Read Time: 2 mins

Saucon Valley Middle School eighth grader, Hunter Heffelfinger.

What’s So Cool About Manufacturing?

As a part of Saucon Valley’s Middle School iTeam, I was excited to get a chance to participate in the “What’s So Cool About Manufacturing?” video contest. The manufacturing contest is one in which area schools are assigned a local manufacturing company. We were excited to be assigned Ocean Spray this year. We created a video to best represent this amazing company and to show everyone the interesting side of manufacturing. It was an incredible experience to get a behind the scenes look at the manufacturing process and the fundamental components of a business.

After filming, we had a better understanding of the important manufacturing processes. We learned things we had no idea existed. We gathered all of our footage and began to sort through the hours of film. This process was very difficult because we needed to take individual videos and pictures and put them all together to tell the Ocean Spray story. The two and a half minute video time limit entailed a lot of editing and cuts that we had to make. We spent many days and hours editing in an attempt to achieve the best possible end result.

Throughout this process, the i-Team found ourselves working more cooperatively than we ever had before. With all of our teamwork and agreements to divide and conquer the many tasks at hand, we were able to achieve a final video that we can all be proud of.

In the end, we realized the importance of teamwork and how manufacturing isn’t what we had been expecting. It wasn’t dingy, dirty conveyor belts. It’s actually a very technologically rich and social environment.

Please help Saucon Valley win the Viewer’s Choice Award for the “What’s So Cool About Manufacturing?” video contest!  The iTeam members have worked very hard over the past few months to represent the Bethlehem-based company, Ocean Spray.

Click here to see our video and cast your vote.   (Vote before midnight, Friday)

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About the author

Keith Riefenstahl

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