Saucon Valley volleyball player Nicole Martins played a great game against Easton last week. Because of her offense, defense and powerful serve, Nicole’s video clip caught our eye.
The Lady-Panther Volleyball team’s next game is away at Lehighton on Thursday.
“HEY NICOLE!” — For being nominated by Saucon Valley Volleyball and being recognized by Saucon Source, stop by Kevin Branco’s Main Street Gym this week to pick up a MSG T-shirt!
Panther Play of the Week is a new weekly sports feature on Saucon Source sponsored by Hellertown’s Main Street Gym.
Owner Kevin Branco, who is a former standout Saucon Valley athlete himself, said he decided to sponsor this series because young athletes need encouragement.
“Coming from Saucon Valley–as an athlete–I know it’s important to be recognized in the community for your accomplishments,” he said. “In the end I always say the same thing: hard work and dedication always pay off.”