On Saturday night the Saucon Valley Panthers played lights-out defense and held the Allentown Central Catholic Vikings to only 10 points. This point production is well below Central Catholics season average of scoring 34 per game. A simple explanation is that the opportunistic Panthers forced the Vikings to cough up an amazing eight turnovers. Saucon Valley intercepted Central Catholic five times and recovered three of their fumbles.
Here is a selection of three of those turnovers in which Christian “Mongo” Alling had a hand.
The first turnover came during the Panther kickoff immediately following Alstan Wolfe’s 1st quarter touchdown and Zach Petiet’s two-point conversion that put Saucon Valley ahead of the Vikings by an 8-3 score. Christian Alling kicks a squibber to the Viking’s second line. Curtis Clifford is the first Panther to pounce and knocks the ball loose. Mongo’s hustle gets him there to scoop it off the turf and get possession for his Panther brothers.
Everyone who has ever seen the 1974 comedy “Blazing Saddles” knows that Mongo likes candy, but I am not so sure he likes volleyball. He just doesn’t seem the type. Anyway, on this Central Catholic turnover Alling flashes the quick hands and sets the Viking pass straight up into the air. The ball comes right back down to Alling and he gets it going the other way!
Finally, here is Mongo again from his inside linebacker position tracking the ball as it is thrown to the slanting Viking receiver at the bottom of the screen. Panther teammate and defensive back, Steven Rose, was able to knock the ball away from the receiver and Mongo was on hand to pick it out of the air and regain possession for Saucon.
Mongo like turnovers, and we love Mongo!
Good Luck Panthers, the Source is with you!