Community Family Government Traffic

6-Ton Weight Limit to Be Added on 3 Borough Streets

Hellertown Borough Hall
Est. Read Time: < 1 min

In an effort to prevent local roads from deteriorating under the weight of increasing truck traffic, Hellertown Borough Council voted Monday to post weight limits on three residential streets: Linden Avenue, Northampton Street and E. High Street.

The vote to approve the new weight limit signs came after a PennDOT-mandated study was conducted by Barry Isett & Associates. The study recommended that vehicles weighing more than six tons be restricted on all three roads, with exceptions for local deliveries.

Borough officials have said the amount of truck traffic on local streets has increased since the Route 412 widening project began in early 2013, and with the development of Lehigh Valley Industrial Park VII properties along Easton Road just north of Hellertown there are concerns that more traffic could be on the way.

Council also approved a motion to spend $2,250 on a traffic study that will analyze the expected impact of the new commercial operations’ traffic on Easton Road and Cherry Lane in Hellertown and Lower Saucon Township.

On Wednesday, township council also voted to spend $2,250 to fund the study, which will cost $4,500.

“It’s going to be horrible,” Hellertown councilman John Bate said of the traffic he believes the LVIP VII Easton Road properties will generate. “The truck traffic’s going to be ridiculous.”

Bryan Smith of BIA noted that the lots along Easton Road that are now part of LVIP VII weren’t originally designed to have access onto Easton Road.

BIA agreed to conduct the Easton Road/Cherry Lane traffic study since Hanover Engineering–which is Lower Saucon Township’s engineering firm–is also the firm for Lehigh Valley Industrial Park VII.


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About the author

Josh Popichak

Josh Popichak is the owner, publisher and editor of Saucon Source. A Lehigh Valley native, he's covered local news since 2005 and previously worked for Berks-Mont News and AOL/Patch. Contact him at

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