Note: The following letter by was first posted on Dewey Fire Company’s Facebook page after some Hellertown residents complained about Monday night’s postponed and abbreviated Santa Run, which was publicized by Saucon Source. It is republished at their request & with permission.
In past years, Dewey has been able to hold the Santa Run as scheduled, and with multiple Santas to ensure EVERY ONE of our neighbors had a visit from the Jolly Elf. Unfortunately, due to the weather Sunday, and then the unfortunate dwelling fire, the Run needed to be postponed.
Last night we were able to get the Santa Run in. The very unfortunate part is, due to the event time/date being postponed, we only had (1) Santa, nearly 100 gifts (more than ever before) and a limited time frame to not be too late for the little ones. We sincerely apologize if we missed you or did not drive down your street. We do our very best year in and year out to see each and every family in Hellertown, and we know that may not always happen even without a shortened time frame. When certain circumstances arise, we do the best we can to adapt and make a valiant effort to make events happen.
Again, if we missed you or did not get down your street, we do sincerely apologize.
Moving forward, we will set a “rain date,” however, we cannot account for emergency calls, and we will still make every effort to see every family in town.
We thank you for your understanding and we would like to wish ALL of our neighbors a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
Mike Maguire, Fire Chief
Dewey Fire Company No. 1, Hellertown