Saucon senior and 2017 Homecoming Court member Kyle Kalinchock lives in Hellertown and is the son of Dorrine and Michael Kalinchock. His mom and his grandfather, Bill Pryor, will be his escorts.
At school he has participated in track and field (2 years), UNICEF (4 years), Mini-THON (2 years) and the school newspaper (2 years).
His future goals include attending college and majoring in business, traveling the world and adopting dogs.
His best Saucon moment has been Mr. French telling him “Have a happy” when he walks into school every day.
This year’s Homecoming King will be crowned at the annual Community Pep Rally on Thursday, Sept. 21 at 7 p.m.
The Homecoming Queen will be crowned at this year’s Homecoming Game against the Southern Lehigh Spartans on Friday, Sept. 22 at 7 p.m. at the school district stadium.