If you have ever attended a Saucon Valley football game, you know that the cheerleaders who support the team work very hard to keep school and community spirit high. In addition to their feats of athleticism, the cheerleaders engage with fans and promote the school in a positive light at events outside of games. That’s why we are shining a spotlight on this year’s 11 senior cheerleaders, including Madison Apple.
Q: How long have you been cheerleading? Who have you cheered for (if anyone) besides Saucon Valley High School?
I’ve been cheering for six years. I cheered for two years at Becahi (Bethlehem Catholic).
Q: How did you become interested in cheerleading?
I always wanted to (cheer) but wasn’t allowed to until seventh grade.
Q: What’s your favorite thing about being a member of the Saucon Valley cheerleading team?
Games and bus rides.
Q: What is the best cheer to get the crowd going at a Saucon Valley football game?
Any cheer that we do with the Jungle.
Q: Who has helped you or inspired you as a cheerleader?
My first coach, Martha, helped me to keep my love for cheer.
Q: What are your future plans and do they involve cheering?
My future plans are to go to West Chester University, become a dog mom, get married and have kids. I’m not sure if my plans will involve cheer.