The members of Mountainview Moravian Church extend their sincere thanks and appreciation to everyone who donated clothing along the parade route during the 2016 Spirit Parade. About 20 bags of clothing were collected and numerous people have called the church inquiring about dropping off more donations. The generosity of the community has truly helped to make this ministry a success.
If you have winter coats and accessories for adults and children, children’s clothing or men’s clothing that you would like to donate, please call the church to arrange a drop-off time at 610-838-9344.
Everyone is welcome to come to our next free clothing distribution on Saturday, Jan. 14 or Saturday, Jan. 21 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. No proof of residency or need is necessary.
Thank you for supporting this ministry and for helping to spread the word about it. Since the Clothing Ministry began in August of 2013, close to 2,000 people have received more than 20,000 pieces of clothing.
Pastor Jodie Lean Harney
Mountainview Moravian Church, Hellertown
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