I was both surprised and encouraged when I saw the news earlier last month when voters in Kansas rejected a constitutional amendment that would have allowed their state to ban abortion. I was surprised because Kansas is historically a deep red state. I was encouraged by the rejection of this amendment because it is yet another example of how attacking reproductive rights is deeply unpopular.
Pennsylvania, like most of the country, is a pro-choice state. Banning abortion is unpopular, it’s not the majority opinion and it puts women’s lives at risk. Our government MUST stay out of our doctors’ offices, which is why I have been so disturbed by the many political candidates’ attacks on our freedoms. For example, Lisa Scheller, a candidate for Congress in PA-7, has expressed support for efforts to criminalize abortion.
To protect our freedom to make our own health care decisions, I implore voters to reject Lisa Scheller and vote to re-elect Susan Wild. Rep. Wild has been a champion for reproductive care. She understands that the government has no place in these decisions. Voting NO for Lisa Scheller is voting YES for reproductive rights.
Terri Fadem
Editor’s note: Terri Fadem is a member of Hellertown Borough Council.
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I agree totally….not to mention the separation of church and state.
If this seat was for the PA House and not the US House this article would be relevant. The winner of the 7th District will NOT be voting on abortion rights due to the recent US Supreme Court Ruling.
That said, Wild is TERRIBLE for PA and the US in general. Check out the voting record of all the failing policies. Better yet, check out video of Rep. Wild hiding on Jan 6th while others calmly check email on their phones – hardly a leader.
Is anyone STILL wondering how someone could be Ed Pawlowski’s right hand and have no idea of the corruption? Don’t repeat the mistake of Susan Wild – PLEASE!