A former U.S. Marine, police officer and firefighter who has written a book about his experiences dealing with post-traumatic stress, depression and survivor’s guilt will be the speaker at a free event at DeSales University in Center Valley next week.
Travis Howze is now an internationally-recognized author and motivational wellness educator, a DeSales news release about the event said.
According to the description for Howze’s book “Create Your Own Light: Finding Post-Traumatic Purpose” on Amazon, the traumatic exposures that affected his mental health began during childhood and later included “taking human life” as well as “being assigned to the body recovery team of nine brother firefighters, including one of his best friends…”
Today Howze displays nine tattooed stars on his right arm to honor the nine killed during a warehouse fire in Charleston, S.C., in June 2007. “Injured in this same fire and plagued with guilt, Travis vowed to move forward and live a purposeful life,” his website says.
During his talk, Howze, who served a total of 14 years in the military and emergency services, “will offer a realistic view of the mental health epidemic,” the news release said. “His motivational message focuses on targeting the signs and symptoms affected personnel may display through various behavioral patterns and changes, as well as ways of coping with trauma as it applies to the individual, the family and the team.”
“Post Traumatic Purpose” will be held Monday, Oct. 3 from 6 to 9 p.m. in the DeSales University Center at Station Avenue and Landis Mill Road in Center Valley.
Military personnel, veterans, first responders and medical personnel are encouraged to attend the talk along with their spouses/partners.
The event is free to attend and open to the public, but registration is required.
Howze’s talk is being sponsored by the DeSales University Master of Arts in Criminal Justice Program and the Office of Veterans and Military Services.