Community Traffic

Fountain Hill Road Work Could Cause Traffic Delays

Fountain Hill Road Work

A road resurfacing project that was originally supposed to be completed last fall will instead take place later this week in Fountain Hill borough, and the work could cause traffic delays in the area.

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Signs in the 1100 block of Delaware Avenue alert motorists to parking restrictions that will be in effect for road resurfacing. The work was originally scheduled for completion last fall, but the early onset of cold weather forced officials to delay it.

A major road resurfacing project that was originally supposed to be completed last fall will instead take place later this week in Fountain Hill borough, and the work could cause traffic delays in the area.

On Monday, Fountain Hill officials issued an advisory about the resurfacing of Delaware Avenue, which will take place between 6 a.m. and 6 p.m., Wednesday, May 15 through Friday, May 17. If inclement weather necessitates its use, there is a rain date of Saturday, May 20 for the completion of the project, according to the advisory.

“There will be NO on-street parking during those times,” Monday’s message said. “You may use the street at all times during the operation, however be extra careful of personnel working in and around the paving operation.”

Signs advising members of the public about the temporary parking restrictions were already posted along Delaware Avenue as of Monday morning. The signs listed Monday, May 22 along with the other dates when the restrictions will be in effect.

Delaware Avenue is one of two main roads that lead into and out of Fountain Hill. The other major thoroughfare, Broadway, is under intermittent construction; part of an unrelated project involving replacement of gas mains, upgrades to stormwater infrastructure, replacement of sidewalk and curbs, and other improvements that extend across the county line into the City of Bethlehem.

Fountain Hill Road Work

A sign in the 1000 block of Delaware Avenue in Fountain Hill borough advises members of the public of temporary parking restrictions that will be in effect during a major road resurfacing project set to begin Wednesday, May 17.



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About the author

Josh Popichak

Josh Popichak is the owner, publisher and editor of Saucon Source. A Lehigh Valley native, he's covered local news since 2005 and previously worked for Berks-Mont News and AOL/Patch. Contact him at

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