Business Community Government

Home Builder Has Plans for Walter Street, Rt. 378 Area

Est. Read Time: 3 mins

Lower Saucon Township home builder John Blair appeared before the township zoning hearing board Monday and was unanimously granted a variance to remove and enlarge a garage at the rear of a property at 1408 Walter Street.

A garage behind 1408 Walter Street in Lower Saucon Township will be taken down and replaced with a larger structure, after the township's zoning hearing board granted a variance to property owner and businessman John Blair.

A garage behind 1408 Walter Street in Lower Saucon Township will be taken down and replaced with a larger structure, after the township’s zoning hearing board granted a variance March 16 to property owner and neighboring business owner John Blair.

The residential property is on a 7,000 square-foot, non-conforming lot at the corner of Walter and Friebley Avenue, adjacent to Blair’s custom home-building business at the corner of Rt. 378 and Walter Street.

The property is non-conforming because it’s residential and located in the township’s general business zoning district.

Blair explained that he owns three of the four properties that border the home, all of which are businesses.

He added that replacing the current garage with a larger structure that will extend to within six feet of the side and rear property lines will help improve the neighborhood’s overall appearance.

“I think this will improve the area—clean it up,” he told zoners, who granted his variance requests for the setback requirements.

Zoning officer Chris Garges told the zoning hearing board that township council had taken no action on the matter when it reviewed Blair’s request on Dec. 3, 2014.

Garges explained after the meeting that Blair has also proposed building an approximately 2,000 square-foot office building on Rt. 378 next to his existing two-story building.

Blair said he has an agreement to purchase the property at 3590 Rt. 378, which has a small brick home on it.

Lower Saucon Township councilman David Willard confirmed in an economic development update to council Wednesday that the proposal is for an office/professional building.

“He had a very nice looking design for (the building), but didn’t have a tenant just yet,” Willard said of the plan, which he viewed during a recent meeting with Blair.

Garges said the proposal will need to be heard by the township’s planning commission and council, and potentially by the zoning hearing board if it’s determined that “parking relief” is needed.

Custom home builder John Blair has proposed construction of an office building on a property to the south of his business on Rt. 378 in Lower Saucon Township.

Home builder John Blair has proposed construction of an office building on a property to the south of his business on Rt. 378 in Lower Saucon Township.


Home builder John Blair has proposed construction of an office building on a property to the south of his business on Rt. 378 in Lower Saucon Township. A home is currently located on the property, for which Blair has an agreement of sale.



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About the author

Josh Popichak

Josh Popichak is the owner, publisher and editor of Saucon Source. A Lehigh Valley native, he's covered local news since 2005 and previously worked for Berks-Mont News and AOL/Patch. Contact him at

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