Update: In the true spirit of Christmas, a generous Saucon Source reader has offered to purchase a replacement drone for Joseph. Christy Hanna said she and her family are moved by the kindness of a stranger. “We are a family that prays and I encouraged Joseph to pray with his desire to have his drone returned,” she said. “Even if God’s answer would be ‘no, or not now,’ we talked about Him still hearing Joseph and loving him, because we believe that’s true. Joseph said he prayed in the tub for his drone to be returned and while he was up there, Geri called and spoke to my husband. … That’s a better Christmas than we could have planned for.”
Imagine the joy of a child opening a Christmas present to find inside the wrapping paper the thing he most wanted Santa to bring him. Then imagine that joy turning to despair, as the gift disappears, along with some of the magic of Christmas.
That is what happened to an eight-year-old boy named Joseph in Lower Saucon Township this Christmas.
Christy Hanna, who lives in the Sanbrook neighborhood, shared the details of what happened in a post Wednesday on the Nextdoor neighborhood app, which connects area residents to help them find things like lost valuables and pets.
“This morning our 8-year-old was flying his Christmas drone in our backyard,” she wrote. “Then he watched it lose connection as it flew out of our wifi signal. It just kept going. It was his big Christmas gift and he was crying as he couldn’t do anything about it. For all we know it’s still flying past 78 (it went northeast).”
Hanna, who lives near Essex Court and Alice Drive, said the drone is a JR/C Elfie+ model, which she described as an upgraded foldable drone with gravity-sensing control.
“It’s not incredibly expensive, but it is to us, and it means a lot to him,” she said.
For a detailed description of the drone, click here.
Hanna acknowledged that the chances of recovering the drone intact might be remote, but said she feels encouraged that others want to help find it and return it to Joseph.
“If anyone sees a small drone in their back/front yard…(or) on the road, would you please call us?” she asked in her post, which was shared with 18 different neighborhood networks on Nextdoor. “We know the chances are slim, but we’re praying someone finds it and can return it to us.”
To contact Hanna, call 610-509-5767.