Note: The following information was originally posted on the Lower Saucon Township website.
With several snow and ice events already occurring this year, Lower Saucon Township would like to remind residents to please keep the following in mind during this winter season:
Clearing Sidewalks – Section 140-17 of the Code of Lower Saucon Township requires that sidewalks be cleared of snow and ice within 36 hours of termination of the precipitation event.
Parking in Cul-de-Sacs – Township Ordinance No. 2011-11 restricts parking in all of the township’s cul-de-sacs and dead-end streets during the periods when Public Works is removing snow or ice. Please cooperate and move your car so we can clear these areas as quickly as possible.
Snow Pushed into Roadway – Snow that is pushed or plowed into the roadway can be deemed an unsafe obstruction and the police can issue a citation to the resident who could also be liable for the cost of removing the obstruction.
Clearing Ice and Snow from Fire Hydrants – Our volunteer fire companies ask residents with fire hydrants near their properties to assist them by clearing ice and snow from around these hydrants.
Placing Snow Markers – In order to assist the Township snow plow operators in determining the edge of your lawn, please place flexible reflectorized markers which are available at your home improvement store at 50 foot intervals along your property. If no markers are in place and the snow plow tears up the sod in front of your property, it will not be repaired by the township.
For further information, please review the township snow removal policy.