Eagle Scout candidate Jack Tatu has completed his Eagle Scout Project, replacing the split rail fence surrounding the mill race at the Heller-Wagner Grist Mill Complex, the Hellertown Historical Society (HHS) announced.
A member of Boy Scout Troop 311, Tatu led a team of scouts in the project, obtaining materials and organizing work parties to complete it. Matt Brady, a member of the HHS Board and Chairperson of Building and Grounds, served as the project liaison. Scout Master Steve Moser and Assistant Scout Master Chris Fluke provided guidance to Tatu throughout the project.
In a nod to the enduring local impact of Scouting, the HHS shared a quote from a 1940 address by then Chief Burgess (Mayor) of Hellertown Morris J. Dimmick, who praised the organization for its role in shaping young men into community-minded citizens.
“Through the Scout Oath and Law, Scouting seeks to give the boy a broader vision, a wider horizon,” Dimmick said. “There are chances for him to participate in service to the community, an opportunity to become a participating citizen.”
The HHS expressed its gratitude to Tatu for his service, stating, “HHS sincerely appreciates and thanks Life Scout Jack Tatu for his service and wishes him well as he completes the additional requirements to obtain the Eagle Scout rank—a symbol of a Scout’s dedication, leadership skills and community service.”
This local news story was reported with generative AI assistance.