Welcome to Ep. 21 of No Rain Date, Saucon Source’s weekly local news and current events podcast. This week our guests are Hellertown mayor and Heintzelman Funeral Home owner David Heintzelman, who joins us to discuss his business’s innovative new on-site event center, as well as topics such as Trick-or-Treat safety in the COVID-19 era; and Jessica O’Donnell, Executive Vice President of Affiliated Chambers at the Greater Lehigh Valley Chamber of Commerce. The GLVCC has been instrumental in helping local businesses secure grants and loans during the pandemic, and recently assisted with awarding more than $8 million in grants to Northampton County businesses that have been negatively impacted by COVID-19. Both of our guests play important roles in promoting the borough as a great place to live, do business and have fun, and they share their thoughts about new business openings, upcoming open houses and other events in a discussion you’ll surely find informative. Josh has a roundup of all the latest local news, as well as a couple of important messages about listener feedback and becoming a Saucon Source member. If you value our community news, we would appreciate your support!