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UGI Requests Rate Hike for Natural Gas Customers


Natural gas customers of UGI Utilities Inc. could soon see higher costs, with the company requesting a 4.5 and 6 percent increase in residential and commercial rates, respectively, that if approved would take effect June 1.

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Natural gas customers of UGI Utilities Inc. could soon see higher costs, with the company requesting a 4.5 and 6 percent increase in residential and commercial rates, respectively, that if approved would take effect June 1.

UGI said it has also already filed a request with the state’s Public Utility Commission (PUC) to increase purchased gas cost rates for customers who purchase their natural gas supply from UGI as of Dec. 1, 2024.

In order to enact the proposed rate increases, UGI must prove that the requested rates are reasonable. After examining the evidence, the PUC may grant all, some or none of the request.

If the company’s entire request is approved, the total bill for a residential customer using 73.6 hundred cubic feet (ccf), and purchasing supply from UGI, would increase from $95.04 to $101.99 per month or by 7.3 percent. The total bill for a commercial customer using 28.8 thousand cubic feet (Mcf), and purchasing supply from UGI, would increase from $278.05 to $304.68 per month or by 9.6 percent, a UGI news release said.

Consumers can object to the proposed increases by filing a formal complaint and/or by appearing as a witness at a public input hearing, which UGI said “may be held if there is a large number of customers interested in the case.”

For more information about challenging the proposed rate increase, call the PUC at 1-800-692-7380.

To find out how the requested rates may affect your bill, contact UGI by calling 1-800-276-2722.

This local news story was reported with generative AI assistance.


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