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Heat Advisory Issued for Lehigh Valley

Heat Hot Lehigh Valley

A heat advisory has been issued for the Lehigh Valley, with Northampton, Lehigh and upper Bucks counties, along with surrounding areas, expected to see heat indexes of up to 100 degrees Thursday and Friday.

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A heat advisory has been issued for the Lehigh Valley, with Northampton, Lehigh and upper Bucks counties, along with surrounding areas, expected to see heat indexes of up to 100 degrees Thursday and Friday.

The heat index is a measurement of how hot it actually feels when both temperature and relative humidity are taken into account. According to the National Weather Service, highs in the low 90s plus high humidity both days could lead to some people experiencing heat-related illnesses. Anyone working or spending a significant amount of time outside should drink plenty of non-alcoholic fluids and stay out of the sun. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration also recommends that workers take frequent breaks in shaded areas or in air-conditioned spaces if possible.

Those who may be more susceptible to heat-related illness, such as the elderly, are advised to utilize air conditioning if available. Anyone who is overcome by the heat should be moved to a cool location immediately. Heatstroke is a medical emergency, and 911 should be called if someone is believed to be experiencing it.

Residents should continue to monitor local weather forecasts for updates on the heat advisory.

This local news story was reported with generative AI assistance.


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