Charity Community Family

Saucon Valley Roadside Cleanup Planned for Saturday

If you’re tired of looking at roadside litter, an event in Saucon Valley this Saturday will offer an opportunity to do something about the problem.

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If you’re tired of looking at roadside litter, an event in Saucon Valley this Saturday will offer an opportunity to do something about the problem.

The roadside cleanup organized by a local resident is part of Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful’s springtime Pick Up PA program, which supports and provides supplies to citizens who organize cleanups in their communities.

Organizer Kathy Pichel-McGovern said her goal is to recruit enough volunteers to tackle some of the most problematic areas for litter in the township, including the Saucon Rail Trail and the area around the Creekside Marketplace shopping center on Rt. 412 (Leithsville Road).

“I am hoping to have a few groups to clean up a different areas of our township and its outskirts. The more the merrier!” she said in an email.

Pichel-McGovern, who lives in Lower Saucon Township, said she is planning to pick up litter along Easton Road.

Litter that is picked up along state roads will be left bagged on the shoulders for PennDOT crews to pick up, while litter from local roads will be taken to the Bethlehem Landfill on Applebutter Road, she said.

The clean-up is being held rain or shine and will be from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. Saturday, April 1.

Volunteers should meet at the Dimmick Park parking lot in Hellertown (across from the borough pool) to pick up supplies, which will include garbage bags, gloves and safety vests. For more information or to sign up, email Pichel-McGovern at



Residents interested in hosting their own roadside cleanup this spring can apply for free supplies on the Pick Up PA website.

As part of the Great American Cleanup, litter brigades are eligible for free work gloves, safety vests and trash bags while supplies last until May 31. Donated landfill space for trash collected during the cleanup is available for free or at a reduced cost from April 1 through April 30.

More information about the Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful program and year-round efforts at litter reduction may be found online.

Litter Pick-up Safety Tips from Keep PA Beautiful:

  • Be aware of property lines and get permission from landowners in advance before going on their land.
  • Roadside litter can potentially be dangerous. Do not open coolers, jugs, bottles and other sealed containers.
  • Always wear gloves, pants, closed-toe shoes or boots and reflective safety vests or shirts.
  • Report any suspicious or dangerous items to police immediately.
  • Do not leave children who are helping unattended, especially near highways or bodies of water.


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About the author

Josh Popichak

Josh Popichak is the owner, publisher and editor of Saucon Source. A Lehigh Valley native, he's covered local news since 2005 and previously worked for Berks-Mont News and AOL/Patch. Contact him at

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